Our report is a contribution towards the Collaborative Unit (a.y. 2019/2020) project Social Fabric, led by Dr Francesco Mazzarella, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF), in partnership with London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF) and Fashion District.

The report works on the Mapping & Storytelling aspect of the project and documents a proposal for the creation of a map of the borough’s fashion businesses and a marketing communication campaign followed by a strategy, aimed at creating and enhancing the social media presence of the Waltham Forest’s fashion sector.

The accomplishment of the project was possible thanks to the guidance of our tutor, Dr Francesco Mazzarella, the support from the project partners (especially Annette Russell, Helen Lax and Alana Kennedy) and the contribution of local fashion businesses.

View the full report here.